Friday, 5 June 2015

6 sure fire moves to make to get your ex girlfriend back

Alexander once said “All is fair in war and love”. You’ll agree that when your love is skidding, you can feel war in your veins. Armies with sound strategies and forces will certainly win the war. It sure is if it was for someone’s heart that has taken it back and does not want to give it back. Then let’s get down to evening out the odds.
a)      Give your ex girlfriend the sp ace she needs. It may feel in the gut that it’s not going to work. Just give her some space to breathe and figure out what she really wants and feels. Let her have all the time in the world she needs to soothe herself.
b)       Be as far as possible from her. She will never realize how much you mean to her or how much she wants you in her life if you are constantly around if she needs you. This is the right way. It is not fair for her to have everything she needs from you and not the other way around. She’ll need to be serious about your relationship. There is always method and discipline in every relationship that is serious.
c)      Drive her into your arms. Cease all forms of contact with her. Don’t call text or email and stuff. Don’t go her, be patient and wait. Then make her come to you. Let her feel it was mistake that she was responsible for. Prove to her how much she misses being without you in her life. Make her come to you.
d)      Don’t be over anxious. Work very hard on how you look.  Make up a few paragraphs or cute one-liners to say to her if you run into her. Just tell her in more ways than one that you are doing just fine without her in your life, create that impression on her.
e)       Say to the world you haven’t fallen apart, women adore strong men, even if they say just the opposite. Girls may claim that they like sensitive men but a small peek into history and you’ll have proof that have always adored strong men. Don’t fall apart if you have just don’t tell the world about it after the initial breakup.
f)      If you are planning on getting your ex girlfriend back by pretending to have turned into a different person just for her. Don’t pretend, she will see through the fake exterior. It will be counterproductive if you are trying to get your ex girlfriend back seriously once you start dating again.
If you don’t have a plan already on getting her back, make one! If you’ve made mistakes trying already refine and fine tune your strategy.

If you still feel lost and have failed miserably, Let’s Talk